Becoming Uncommon – Softcover




“This is not just another success book—this book is different.”

Michael York has delivered a book that is different in the way it’s written and different in the way it delivers the message that your life can be one of the next great success stories in almost any way you choose. York’s message is his mission to change the way people think about something they already know a lot about.  He provokes thought and reflection with a barrage of questions and a collection of personal stories…

“Is there anything about your life or your work or your legacy you’d like to change?

It’s available…Are you? What do you want to be known for?”

York says finding the right answers for you and your life isn’t impossible…just uncommon… 

He describes uncommon as the “pursuit of being unique, remarkable, memorable, and that means you can become unforgettable.” And that uncommon companies, or individuals…choose to be that way.

Becoming Uncommon provides inspiration and instruction on getting better in life and business. It also showcases real-life examples of uncommon organizations and individuals achieving a measure of success that’s atypical and unconventional.